# ./build roundcube
Inserting data to mysql and creating database/user for roundcube...
ERROR 1142 (42000) at line 37 in file: 'SQL/mysql.initial.sql': REFERENCES command denied to user 'da_roundcube'@'localhost' for table 'users'
Database created, da_roundcube password is zITssQKiFHzB8sv
Editing roundcube configuration...
Replacing mod_php5 with mod_php7 in .htaccess
Roundcube 1.3.8 has been installed successfully.
Executing database schema update.
Updating database schema (2013011000)... [OK]
Updating database schema (2013042700)... [OK]
Updating database schema (2013052500)... [OK]
Updating database schema (2013061000)... [FAILED]
Error 500: Error in DDL upgrade 2013061000: [1146] Table 'da_roundcube.cache' doesn't exist
Reloading php-fpm72.
To fix this, simply delete all the tables in the da_roundcube database.
and run the SQL script found in /var/www/html/roundcube/SQL/mysql.initial.sql